My memoirs @ 14 Jan

14th Jan the most painful yet hopeful and joyful day of my life.
In maternity ward while I was screaming loud with pain and at the same time was listening the heartbeat of my yet to be born baby through an instrument kept on my belly. 
Every breathe of mine was throwing prayers for my baby.
Never before I felt so helpless, so scared, in need of something to hold on but couldn't getting anything. Those 4 hours of pain, loosing battle and in midst of all I heard that special "First Cry" of my baby. 
The moment I saw him, felt a sudden urge of fight back and an immense strength. "Shaurya I called out and then he was taken away from me for checkup and I was shifted to ward to recover and wait for my son to hold him as we becomes for each other forever.
Holding my bundle of joy gave me the goal and a new life and love I never experienced before 👶😍


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