Birthday to remember :* (love you guys )

My birthday ( 29 Dec) is always special as its already celebration time, and so my family remembers every year. After spending sleepless nights and hardworking days thanx to my exams I was relax on my birthday :)
Early morning kiss from Dad and Mom, smirking by my brother and ready-made cake bought by him. 
This birthday was amazingly special because that day the customers who visited at showroom specially came to wish me. That was really shocking, a pleasant shock :)
Never thought about it, the Greeting Cards, Balloons gifted by them was oh so cute. I basically celebrated my birthday at my workplace ( My Showroom )with my customers :)
My gift from my dad was his Chicken Curry, from mom was sweet dish (kheer). There was no gift from my brother till night. At night he had a gift for me, all packed in a carton and nicely wraped by gift papers. 
I opened that with great excitement only to find 4 packets of Lays Potato Chips :P
This post is dedicated to all my loved once, to my frends who kept calling me and texting me and to those sweetheart customers. Love all :)


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