My Journey of love within silence

While watching movies of legendary Charlie Chaplin, it felt silence is also one of its unique language with its own identity. At times one enjoyed and other times it kills you inside. For me silence is the way of speaking to myself, when I speak to myself I became my best frend and when am not speaking its a punishment to me.
Silence made you feel what exactly you feeling, it always made me find out the ways to be happy, to question myself and also to get those answers.
The first feeling of love :)
Hugging those cold winds trying to listening those whispers which nobody said but still am listening. The feeling of that special first touch which blows my mind n get me cold feet,  his words, his calling me from different names and listening to him will always be special wid me. He is not wid me but still I talk to him everyday and speaks my heartout, those feelings of I am not Alone are magical. I am in love with him I got to know by the silence and it makes me happy and feel blessed.
See this silence is kinda a secret world where you can hide your feelings, your emotions, my emotions and I am happy all thanx to it. Some do complain all the time that I am not sharing my emotions with them but its hard for me to explain that I cannot share myself as I already did it. They say .......................................................................

If silence taught me of love then it also has realized me that no matter how much important its for me but actually its never for me. It's hard for me to believe that but it was true and then this silence then becomes my one corner of room where I could hide my face and cry which i used to do in childhood.

This all experience of emotional journey which ones threw me into loneliness now makes me visual the actual world of real people and real ME. But still
LOVE + Silence is awesome. 

time for my dreams...
tek care guys and gudnyt


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