Oh God no electricity!!!

From the onset of summer we started feeling this heat till the winter. This story is most commonly heard in Asian society specially in India. Every year during summer electricity trouble becomes the main agenda with the Indians in metropolitan cities because we will were habituated of luxeries so don't care about the poor who are too habitual of no electricity at all. Even our PM's office was today without electricity woooooo.........now he can say that he is with the nation people suffering the same. There are many areas where people for 12-14 hrs are suffering and only help they are getting from there cars. At night they are simply making their car their bedroom and one who don't own their cars no option with them.Complaints and complaints our complaints to the electricity department who are not efficient enough for the regular supply, Electricity board complaints to the regulators who are not supplying coal resourses then Government. A cyclic logic keeps going on and on and on, regarding complaints we all have the answer like
1.Why extra load during summers?
ans. maximum uses of fans, ACs and Coolers etc.........
2. Why not regular coal supply?
ans. not much good quality of coal left and many loss during rainy seasons
3. Why Government?
ans. Government shud think of another options.  
the options India has : directing nuclear atomic force to electricity supply even, hydro electric power, solar power etc. Which one will be more effective? its a debate, THANKS to many intellectual people and they have already made the effort towards using solar power and many firms too are supplying the equipments, then theres a drive for using biogas energy thou its still not clear how biogas can be utilized in terms of electricity supply
If any of you have any idea or want to share their experience or know those people who are working on it do share with us, WE WILL BE GRATEFUL!!!
thanking you


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