The third face of the Triangle

It is something like buying a shirt. There are so many different styles, colors, fabrics, qualities and brands; in the same way people believe that they have unlimited choices in the cards life deals out.
"Till Death Does Us Apart" we take this oath when committing ourselves to our partner; In married life. In Modern India Marriage vow has changed from a husband as a bread earner and wife as keepers to Individual equality. The traditional theory of Love can happen only once in life is subject to changed into Love can happen more than once.The freedom women now enjoys the most call it again a equality like men do enjoy within their marriage much more than their mothers ever did.
There is one life so we have to make the most of it. :- is the slogan of young India. Women now enjoy the freedom and calling their comfort in every way be in day to day work, gadgets or sex. Every marriage calls for sex else infidelity comes in way, now it rare happens that this is ignored by anyone. Every body needs this; term it as necessity or self pleasure, now it becomes normal to happen even out of marriage and becomes extramarital affair. What begins as friendship between colleagues and metamorphoses into love, often amongst
married colleagues, can become a source of great angst and pain for their spouse and family.
Infidelity is not about sex.. Very often the man or woman meets a need the spouse doesnot in a marriage.


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